Gluten free bok choy & red pepper Pasta Salad

So, I’ve been a little distant with social media lately.  Mostly because my long-distance partner was visiting from Toronto, where he’s staying for school, but also because I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by it recently.  Not sure if anyone else has gone through this phase, but sometimes I feel a little bombarded with too many updates, messages, websites, etc.  It was nice to take a little step back and be quite choosy with what I read or when I logged on in the past couple weeks.  It’s funny when I think about it though, I can’t go a whole day without checking Facebook or Twitter no matter how much I try!  Not sure why this is, but I’m trying my best to not be on these sites constantly (I miss reading actual books!).

With this tiny bit of extra free time I had, I created a tasty lunch that was much needed to spice up my work lunch routine.  It’s delicious and colourful, so it can help to brighten a grey day – so, I thought I’d share it with you!

Gluten free bok choy & red pepper Pasta Salad


brown rice pasta (elbows or spirals)

2 – 3 bunches baby bok choy

half red pepper

2 mushrooms (optional)

extra virgin olive oil

half a lemon

pepper (to taste)

goat’s feta (optional)


Boil brown rice pasta (1 – 2+ cups, depending on how many you are cooking for) according to package instructions and individual taste.

Add 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil to a pan, heat it up slightly.  Then add sliced red pepper, baby bok choy, and sliced mushrooms, cook for about 5 – 10 minutes.

When pasta is ready, rinse with cool water and add to a large bowl.  Add in the veggies and pepper to taste and stir.  Add 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and squeeze half of a lemon on top (add as much as you like to taste).  Stir and mix up well.  Let chill for at least an hour to allow the flavours to settle well.

Serve with some crumbled goat’s feta on top if you like!  Yum yum!

Of course, this recipe could also be used for a delicious dinner adding some baked salmon or chicken, but I do love this for lunch even adding a little tuna if I feel like it.  I know, I know, it’s sort of a summery recipe…. I’d say my need for spring to get here is showing in this one!

Hope you enjoy this recipe like I do… and when you’re done, let me know if you ever take breaks from social media and why.  Do you feel a little less stressed afterwards?  🙂  ॐ